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Lane Wilson • April 6, 2017

Welcome to Peoples Anonymous. Herein lies one of the most profound spiritual healing recipes ever entrusted to the human race. This Twelve-Step technology has the capacity to heal your life beyond anything you may have previously imagined. Millions are currently living happy, joyous and free by simply applying this program to their daily lives.

We consider the twelve-step recipe outlined in this book to be the spiritual alchemy of the 21st Century. It transforms the lives of those who are willing to follow the directions, precisely, into gold.

If you are an alcoholic and this book has found its way into your hands, please put it down and go to a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you are a drug addict, put down the book and find a meeting of Narcotics Anonymous. After you have worked the Twelve Steps in one of those programs and are on a solid foundation, you may pick up this book and read it, it will enhance your recovery.

Do not attempt to use this book to get clean and sober. That is not what it’s written for, and there is already a proven program of action available for those specific conditions in AA and NA. Those programs are unparalleled in their effectiveness, and you will find the help you seek there, if you sincerely desire recovery.

On the other hand, if you are one of the approximately 90 percent of humans who do not qualify as alcoholics or addicts, and have somehow stumbled upon this book, you may be in luck. This book was written for you. It was designed specifically to give you access to a beautiful and powerful way of living that has become invaluable for those of us in recovery.

Peoples Anonymous proposes that anyone can significantly improve the quality of his or her life by applying the spiritual principles of the Twelve-Step Recovery Program originally given to the world by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935.

You need not be an alcoholic or an addict to experience a powerful spiritual awakening. With this recipe for healing, radical transformation is now within your reach, no matter your current challenges or what point you’re starting from.

By working these proven steps now available through Peoples Anonymous, you can have access to a spiritual technology that has already transformed millions of lives worldwide. You can dramatically shift your perspective and approach to life with compelling results.

Feel free to visit for the latest updates on the PA movement and continuing education on the application of the Twelve Steps.

Once again, welcome to Peoples Anonymous and your first step toward a significantly more amazing life.

To Preview book click here

By Lane Wilson May 12, 2017
This book is a beginning, not an end. Always keep an open mind to experience strength and hope from those who have been working these steps successfully with regard to the various ways you can continue to apply them to your life. The exercises enclosed merely scratch the surface of a lifelong journey. I honestly do not believe that this book will ultimately become the basic text for Peoples Anonymous, but it is my hope that this chip of a book will be a spark that the world will fan into a flame that becomes a movement where, finally, all are welcome. Some day, the first hundred members of PA, like the first hundred members of AA, may get together and construct their own volume. Until then, you are welcome to use mine. PA is not a marriage between a Course in Miracles and the Twelve Steps, but it is assuredly an intimate relationship. May this union of these two incredibly beautiful spiritual technologies help bring healing and recovery into the twenty-first century. There are no words to express my gratitude to the One who entrusted me with this task. Honestly, I felt there were many far more qualified. It is my only hope that my Employer (Dad) is well pleased. If I lived a million years, I could not begin to repay the gifts that have been so freely given me as the direct result of being able to finally access my Higher Power through these Twelve Steps. For more info about the book click here .
By Lane Wilson March 30, 2017
The Human Condition (The Problem) The term human condition refers to the unique feature of simply being human. It can be described as an unalterable part of humanity that is inherent only to human beings and not dependent on race, gender, sexual identification, age, culture, or socioeconomic status. It includes concerns such as the meaning of life, the search for power and prestige, the sense of isolation, the pursuit of happiness, and the awareness of the inescapability of death. Many of us in the human race suffer from some form of our own internal spiritual malady, such as always feeling apart from, “different” or simply never good enough. This feature of the human experience can show up as a lack of self-confidence, a sense of depression, anxiety, or merely being restless, irritable, and discontented. At times, the human condition swings to the other extreme, creating those apparent egomaniacs that are usually covertly suffering from an extreme inferiority complex. We often feel as though we are aimlessly moving through life devoid of a deep sense of purpose and meaning. We of Peoples Anonymous feel that the majority of the frustration inherent in the human condition comes from (a) futilely searching for things where they are not, and (b) primarily being consumed with self (ego). To medicate this internal dis-ease, many of us have tried some of the following: yoga, self-help books, going to counseling, seeking the “guru,” retail therapy, going to ashrams, going to churches, getting sprinkled with water, taking communion, acupuncture, going to therapy, exercise, using drugs and alcohol, overeating, transcendental meditation, materialism, attention seeking, gossip, plastic surgery, neurolinguistic programming, studying theologies, taking a trip, not taking a trip … ad infinitum. We are, at times, unable to bring into our lives the true desires of our hearts. We have been operating out of a sense of scarcity, although we live in a universe of abundance. As Auntie Mame says, “Life’s a banquet, and most poor sons-of-bitches are starving to death!” There is a solution. Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. (BB p. 25) By working the Twelve Steps in our lives, we begin to seek things where they are. Coincidentally, they are much more easily found there. Applying this spiritual surgery to our life, we genuinely gain freedom from the bondage of the false Self and discover our authentic Self. We of Peoples Anonymous have found this work heals our suffering from the human condition at the causational level. Simply put, we now live joy-filled, abundant lives of tremendous meaning and purpose. To purchase book or preview click here.
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